
NCMATYC Award and Grant Opportunities

NCMATYC has several recurring awards: the Mathematics Excellence Award, the Teaching Excellence Award, NCMATYC Travel Grants (for state and national conferences) and NCMATYC Nominee for the AMATYC Presidential Student Award.

1. Mathematics Excellence Award – (Every even year)

The Mathematics Excellence (ME) Award is intended for educators who have made outstanding contributions to mathematics or mathematics education at a two-year college. Award criteria include: state reputation, leadership and activities in professional organizations, professional talks and presentations, awards and grants received, publications, professional activities on a regional, state, and national scale, teaching expertise, and other contributions to mathematics and/or mathematics education. This award has a plaque commemorating the award and recognition at the conference.

The award winner is Board’s nominee for the next year’s AMATYC Mathematics Excellence award. (More information about the qualifications for the AMATYC award can be found at

2. Teaching Excellence Award – (Every odd year)

The Teaching Excellence (TE) Award is intended for educators who have made outstanding contributions to mathematics or mathematics education at a two-year college. Teaching excellence is the main focus of the Teaching Excellence Award.  Criteria for selection are: instructional effectiveness and support of students, professional involvement and professional development/renewal activities, interaction with colleagues and service to departments/division/college.  This award has a plaque commemorating the award and recognition at the conference.

The award winner is Board’s nominee for the next year’s AMATYC Teaching Excellence award. (More information about the qualifications for the AMATYC award can be found at

3. AMATYC Travel Grants (every year, funds permitting)

NCMATYC  will award a $1000 travel assistance and free registration to the AMATYC conference. The deadline for the 2022 AMATYC Conference Travel Assistance Grant is September 30, 2022. Get more information and the application here.

4. NCMATYC Travel Grants (every year, funds permitting)

NCMATYC will award 6 $200 travel assistance grants and free registration to the 2023 NCMATYC conference.  The deadline for the 2023 NCMATYC Conference Travel Assistance Grant is January 31, 2023.

5. NCMATYC Nominee for AMATYC Presidential Student Award (every year)

The purpose of the AMATYC Wanda Garner Presidential Student Scholarship is to encourage the study of mathematics by students enrolled in institutions of higher education. 
To be eligible for the award, a student should…

  1. have an overall GPA of 3.0
  2. plan to major in mathematics, mathematics education, statistics or a STEM field
  3. be enrolled full-time at the nominee’s institution during the spring term (January – May) preceding the AMATYC Annual Conference when the scholarship is awarded.

Nomination form is a