We hope that all of our community college friends on the east cost are safe and that the hurricane doesn’t cause too much disruption to your semester. The Fall semester is already half way done for most of us. Please take a moment to look over these important news updates.
- AMATYC Presidential Student Award is due by 10/13. http://ncmatyc.matyc.org/awards/
- colLABorate applications are due by 10/31. http://ncmatyc.matyc.org/collaborate/collaborate-workshop/
- Registration for the NCMATYC Mathematics Competition is due by 10/21. http://ncmatyc.matyc.org/competitions/ncmatyc-math-competition/
- You can join/renew your NCMATYC Membership online at http://ncmatyc.matyc.org/membership/
- Become a NCMATYC Campus Representative at http://ncmatyc.matyc.org/campus-representatives/
- Join the NCMATYC Slack Channel (aka new and improved ListServ) http://ncmatyc.matyc.org/collaborate/collaborate-in-slack/
- What great ideas are going on at your campus? Please email them to NCMATYC and we will post it on the webpage.
Thanks for your involvement and participation with NCMATYC.